Stark County ND Historical Society


Steve's Grandfather: Ray Thomas and Family


Steve's Grandmother and Great-Grandparents and Family:



Great Plains Track Club-Steve's Responsibilities listed below:

(Ages 5-12,  Steve ran this program from 2004-2023-WOW that went fast!)

Athletic Director

Coach at Practices and Meets

Secure a running track for the season

Secure Insurance 

Organize and run all Track Meets

Human Resources-find and hire coaches


Web Creator and Maintainer 

Fund Raising   

Respond to all emails about the program year around

Order/Purchase all supplies

Storage (store all supplies at my residence year around)

Deal with all external and internal conflicts

Pictures taken at Practice

Lawsuit Prevention Strategies 

ANYTHING else that needs to be done 

Thanks to Jane for taking the Track Meet Pictures!


Steve went to college 

Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences and Composite Sciences at NDSU

Minor in coaching at NDSU

Master's degree in Exercise Science at UNO (University of Nebraska at Omaha)

Steve worked during his college years. 

Blackjack dealer (lots of cigarette smoke in the bars, drinking and losing money, not a good combination)

Summer work included the city forestry and county highway department as a surveyor 


Steve teaching and coaching in Colorado. Also living in California during my 8th grade year. Living in other areas of the US positively gives a person a more robust perspective on different cultures and approaches to teaching and coaching. 

Wellington Junior High, Wellington, CO

Walt Clark, MS Loveland, CO

Roosevelt Cross Country - Johnstown, CO

Above: Fort Collins Summer Track Coaches

Below: Summer Track Distance Group


BHS Cross Country 

Mountain View Track Team, Loveland, CO Coaching Discus and Shot Put

Steve ran for Century when at Hughes JH 

Head Cross Country Coach-Bill Reed MS Loveland, CO

Coaching Football

I also taught college at United Tribes for several years.

Class Taught:

Anatomy and Physiology and labs

Biology (Human Cell) and labs

Most of the students were there for the LPN program. The program was well respected when I was there! After I left it went downhill and eventually the program was dropped by the college, very disappointing!