Chemical health on college campuses can include a number of issues, including substance abuse, exposure to chemicals in land care, and the use of prescription medications: 

  • Substance abuse
    Alcohol, marijuana, stimulants, hallucinogens, and other drugs are commonly used on college campuses. Substance abuse can lead to a number of negative outcomes, including lower academic performance, poor peer relationships, and an increased risk of sexual assault. 
  • Exposure to chemicals in land care
    College campuses often use chemicals like synthetic pesticides and fertilizers to maintain their appearance. However, these chemicals can have negative health effects, including increased cancer risk, contaminated waterways, and poisoned wildlife. 
  • Use of prescription medications
    Campers should have written orders from a licensed health care provider for any prescription medications they are taking. Parents and guardians should also provide the camp with any changes in the camper's health status, allergies, or medications. 

Some other health and safety considerations for college camps include: 

  • Ensuring campers are up to date on their immunizations 

  • Being aware of the risk of homesickness for inexperienced campers 

  • Working with external resources to provide substance abuse prevention programs 




A college campus's crisis management team should be made up of campus leaders who are knowledgeable and experienced in key areas of campus operations. The team should be able to make decisions and respond to crises under stress. The size and membership of the team will depend on the size and complexity of the campus. 


Here are some steps to consider when forming a crisis management team: 

  • Identify key stakeholders: Include leadership, communications teams, legal counsel, and department heads. 


    Determine roles: Assign roles to each team member. 

  • Train the team: Train the team and others in crisis management. 

  • Establish communication protocols: Create protocols for internal and external communication. 


    Develop message templates: Create templates for messages to use in various crisis scenarios. 

  • stablish a crisis command center: Create a physical or virtual crisis command center. 


    Plan for social media: Develop a social media strategy to monitor and respond to rumors and allegations. 


Some other things to consider when managing a crisis on a college campus include: 

  • Mental health crises: Some campuses are adopting a differentiated response model for mental health crises, where trained mental health professionals respond alongside or instead of police. 

  • IT: IT teams can play a big role in managing technology related to campus surveillance and emergency response. 


    Partnerships: Build partnerships with other organizations to help you be successful. 

  • Budget: Consider your budget when deciding where to spend your funds.